Other activities
Cultural activities, publications and research
Every year the Scuola organises lectures and conferences of various kinds, exhibitions of works from its own holdings, concerts of sacred and profane music, sometimes in collaboration with other associations or musical societies.
The Scuola publishes a series of Quaderni della Scuola Grande Arciconfraternita di san Rocco, collections of essays which now run to ten volumes; Quaderni delle Scuole di Venezia, a parallel series produced together with the other active Venetian Scuole, now on its fifth volume; and finally, a six-monthly Notiziario (newsletter). We also sponsor other publications having something to do with the Scuola, in particular studies of Tintoretto’s life and work, but also on our own holdings (ceramics, sculpture, archive).
The Scuola puts its own inventories at the disposal of researchers; files are equipped with a wealth of historical documentation and photographs. The archive also contains a photo-library. Guidelines for consultation of the inventories and the photo-library may vary over time and can be obtained from the secretary’s office.
Activities arranged by other organisations
The Scuola’s prestigious staterooms, being
- The Sala Terrena (700 mq)
- The Sala Capitolare (800 mq)
- The Sala dell’Albergo (120 mq)
are available for leasing on request to other institutions/organisations or even to private individuals for concerts, conferences and other events, where appropriate with catering. All requests should be made to the secretary’s office by email to snrocco@libero.it, by telephone to +39.041.5234864 or by fax to +39.041.5242820.
Religious ceremonies
The Scuola also celebrates many religious events over the year, the most important being the Feast of our Patron Saint, St. Roch on August 16th. On this occasion after a Solemn High Mass and a procession round the Campo San Rocco under the Tendon del Doge (a baldachin connecting the Church, the Scuola, and the Scoletta), the San Rocco Prize for the year is awarded, and the Scuola’s Treasure exhibited.