The current statute of the Scuola Grande Arciconfraternita di San Rocco goes back to 1913. It states that “the Scuola may be comprised of an unlimited number of members”. These, today, amount to around 400 men and women. The investiture of new members with the cappa (robe) usually takes place each year in July, on the occasion of the feast of the Rededication of the Church. Members must meet certain requirements, including being born and/or domiciled in the Comune of Venice. Membership dues are traditionally called: ‘benintrada’ for the joining fee and ‘luminaria’ for the annual contribution.
The Scuola may welcome a certain number of Honorary Members, on the grounds of exceptional personal distinction or of having earned the particular gratitude of the Brotherhood. A register of members’ names and responsibilities (where appropriate) is on show in the Lower Hall of the Scuola.
The ‘Convocato Generale’, that is, the general assembly of the members (the Confraternity), runs the Scuola through a committee known as the Cancelleria (Chancery).this consists of fifteen members chosen from among the membership. They are still known by their ancient names and gradings although these have no bearing on the duties they perform today.
- Guardian Grando, as president, is the official representative of the Scuola
- Vicario,
- Guardian da Matin,
- Scrivano o Conservatore degli Archivi,
- Primo Decano,
- Secondo Decano,
- Primo Sindaco,
- Secondo Sindaco,
- Primo Procuratore di Chiesa,
- Secondo Procuratore di Chiesa,
- Terzo Procuratore di Chiesa,
- Primo Aggiunto
- Secondo Aggiunto
- Terzo Aggiunto
Guardian Grando Ultimo– the previous Guardian Grando who remains on the committee at the end of his term.
The first six of these officials make up the Banca (Board) advising the Guardian Grando, while the remainder are the so-called Zonta (literally: ‘aggiunta’ = addition). The Chancery is supported by a Chancellor, chosen from the members, who doubles as a secretary to the General Assembly. All the components of the Chancery remain in place for three years and a third are replaced each year. Those elected by the Assembly take up their positions on January 1st of the year following their selection. Traditionally all Chancery members are expected to serve voluntarily.